Our Rooms
Baby Room
The baby room is a warm and homely environment; we understand the importance of routine and structure for a child, which is why our dedicated team follow each child’s home routine whilst they are in baby room. Asides from their tailored routine we ensure their day is as stimulating as possible through sensory play, song time, stories and craft activities. Our knowledgeable and nurturing team provide meaningful opportunities where children can explore and learn in a home from home environment.
Toddler Room
The children play in a light and stimulating room, where there is a sequence of events to the day; allowing children to become aware of what happens next. All toys are fully accessible and support children to make choices, which in turn benefit their independence and help them in becoming confident learners.
We find that the children are learning at a rapid rate and want to explore everything, which is why we offer countless opportunities that involve exploration and develops their curiosity.
Pre School 1
Pre School 1 is a fun-filled environment where we want children to feel comfortable in making their own choices when selecting activities. All toys are fully accessible which benefit their independence and help them in becoming confident learners.
There is a sequence of events to the day, which affirms children’s understanding of ‘what happens next’. Within this there is circle time, where the children greet one another in their home language; story and song time and planned activities.
Activities are planned focusing on individual children which creates a stimulating and nurturing environment.
Pre School 2
Pre School 2 is for children from the term after their third Birthday to five years and is a light and fun-filled environment. The room has been carefully planned to include all areas of learning that offers plenty choice for each child’s interests. Activities are planned based on children’s interest, developing their understanding in a fun and imaginative way. These are repeated during each of the sessions, giving each child the opportunity to participate. Our highly trained team interact as the children play, as it is when they are interested in something that they absorb the most information.
By following the Early Years Foundation Stage and meeting individual needs, each child is prepared well for school.
“Children’s emotional well-being is significantly enhanced by the caring staff, with whom they form close relationships.”
“The nursery plans a broad educational programme to support children’s learning and to promote their early skills to a good level. Staff support children in taking part in new experiences to develop and extend their learning.”